Sunday, February 3, 2008

New business ventures

In May 2002, Peter Drucker wrote the Foreward to Vijay Sathe's 2003 textbook called Corporate Entrepreneurship: Top Managers and New Business Creation. Said Drucker: "New business creation must be considered the most important task of the senior executive in the existing enterprise, especially the larger one. Without it the enterprise is unlikely to survive, let alone do well, in a period of rapid transition such as the one we live in and are likely to live in for the foreseeable future. . .Without it all developed countries face serious economic and social dislocation. Without it too, the existing leading economies are most likely to be overtaken by new competitors--the countries in which executives are not preoccupied with maintaining a glorious past and with defending yesterday."

This blog is intended principally for students of entrepreneurship at the University of the West of Scotland, but as is the nature of blogs, it may re-invent itself as time passes. The purpose of the blog is to encourage the open dialogue between students, practioners and researchers on the subject of new venture and new product development within existing enterprises--be they internal ventures or external ventures.

AS a matter of initial inspiration, enjoy some of the video stories featured online at Financial Times: Enterprising Britain

Feel free to enter your comments, thoughts, experiences, and advice.