Monday, March 17, 2008

ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room

"A story about people--a human tragedy"...

What happens in a corporation, in management, in personnel, that can lead to a multi-billion corporation's going bankrupt in just 24 days?

This 1 hour and 49 minute video is available online for a fee, but you can watch a one-hour conversation between Charlie Rose and his guests, Kurt Eichenwald of the New York Times and Alan Sloan of Newsweek magazine, about the crisis:

ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room


Anonymous said...

It’s amazing to see such a collapse. But if we want to stay positive, there is at least one good point in this “debacle”, it is the regulatory overhaul aimed at avoiding on other Enron.

It's interesting to see that six years after the collapse, newspapers still talk about it. Recently Citigroup had to pay $1.66 billion to Enron creditors (for more information, it’s here:


Mary Spaeth said...

Thanks for sharing this Francois.
Very interesting too!